Mile High

49 members $20,405.49 won 554.1 lbs

Laura M.

05/03/2017 8:43AM
New to diet bet. Doing my first one with Autumn. I'm in Denver!


01/04/2016 8:13AM
Hello! Also new to group and first timer for DietBet. The kickstarter bet started today "Get lean in 2016 with Heidi and Chris Powell".
I am in Grand Junction. Anyone else from this side of the state?


I have family in Littleton, Westminster and a daughter that lives and works downtown. I grew up in Westminster but have been on this side of the state almost 40 years.


12/26/2015 12:30PM
Hello Everyone. I am new to this group. Im in the Springs. Anyone else down here?


07/07/2015 3:17PM
I am doing this game that starts July 8th if you want to join me! Play up to 3 kickstarters at once to win even more!

Get out and get fit!

Gift card for the person that invites the most players!

Victoria G.

03/12/2015 10:19AM
Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

Sweet T

01/14/2015 12:40PM
Hello everyone in Colorado!! whos ready to see the SUN again!!??!?!

Claire-ah likes this comment.


I know! I feel like we're living in Seattle. Hopefully this doesn't mean a brutal hot/dry summer. :/

Gaylan R.

01/08/2015 7:56AM
Hello Mile High! DietBetters.
My name is Gaylan and i live in Centennial. Just joined DietBet in Jan with a game sponsered by Chris and Heidi Powell. My wife and I are excited to travel this journey together.


11/08/2014 8:36PM
Hi! I'm in Centennial. I'm new to db and doing my very first db10 Transformers Nov-May. Anyone else in this game? Anyone else close by?

Gaylan R. likes this comment.

Victoria G.

10/14/2014 6:14AM
Hello Colorado DietBetters! I hope you are all having a great day!! Have you ever tried cranberry juice mixed with water?


Hi Victoria. No I haven't. Right now my only drinks are water and herbal tea.

Sweet T

I use pure water, cranberry, pure lemon and dandelion tea :)