DB Canadians eh?

41 members $18,622.71 won 314.8 lbs


01/01/2017 5:31PM
Any canadians in any games right now?


I just started DB and joined KetoinCanada's game

Melissa B.

07/12/2016 6:10AM
Anyone is the group still active?

Wendy C.

10/24/2015 7:30PM
‪#‎ALERT‬!!! Unfortunately, new information has come to light regarding the nutritional products I have been using (and others may be using as well). All I can say is I'm SO sorry I didn't share this information sooner!
It has come to my attention that there are MANY problems being reported from people using these amazing nutritional products. So PLEASE read and make sure you understand these problems!! I feel it's only fair to report these problems to you!
1. You may have so much energy that you may want to work out, clean the house, work in the yard, play with your kids, and stay up past 9pm!!!!
2. You may have to buy a new wardrobe because you've lost weight and inches as a bonus!
3. You may have to get your hair and nails done more often because they're growing so fast!
4. You may have to throw out your alarm clock with the snooze button because you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day every morning!
5. You may lose your relationship with soda and candy bars because you just won't feel the same way about them anymore!
6. You may have to answer a lot of questions like "Wow, you look great, what are you doing?" Because people WILL notice the difference these products have made.
7. You may have to convince those who think you are lying about your age, because healthy makes you look younger!!
8. You may have to decide which bills get paid early because we actually get paid for sharing these "problems" with others!!

Lee Ann Z

10/23/2015 7:05AM
Made my round 1 transformer goal! Whoo hooo!!! I have 3 diet bet kickstarters ending over the next 3 days & Then I've signed up for (American) Thanksgiving Slimdown with Chris Powell, Jamie Easton's Holiday Hustle & Be your own Santa (the first DB I've organized!!) Come join me?

Lee Ann Z

10/06/2015 10:54AM
Who else wants to slim down & make last Christmas the LFC (Last Fat Christmas) Join me in this diet bet? Heavens knows I can use your Canadian support. http://diet.bt/pmiFY9

Lee Ann Z

09/29/2015 1:42PM
After a merveilleuse 3 week vacation in England &France I have moved up to a new all time highest weight :/ so I've joined 3 kickstarters (Healthy for Halloween, Love sweat and Heather & Mindi's) & 3 transformers(Sept 30th, Sept 27th & Sept 23rd) to motivate me to finally drop the weight. Any other Canadians in current challenges?


09/14/2015 10:39AM
Hey Canadians!! I'm Myra from Trail, BC and I have a health & wellness blog called The Happy Health Freak (www.thehappyhealthfreak.com). I share mostly recipes, but I also have weight loss tips, cleanses, and exercise routines.
I just started my second DietBet game. Last time I hosted I had a large group, this time it's a bit smaller :( would love more players if you're interested! If you've already joined a game you can always double down :)

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Denise D

07/01/2015 8:39AM
Hi from Montreal :)

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04/29/2015 7:20PM
Hi - from Vancouver area in BC. Good luck all!

Lee Ann Z likes this comment.


04/10/2015 8:45AM
Hello everyone! I'm here from Ottawa representing the land of beavertails and shawarmas. Oh, the temptations!