Weight Loss for Runners

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04/30/2020 4:52PM
So I am preparing to run my 6th half marathon after taking two years off running and unfortunately putting back on some weight. Feeling out of shape. Anyone else have some running goals?

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I didn't take time off from running, but I similarly gained weight which significantly slowed me down in my running. I have run the same half marathon every year for the last five years until it was postponed for this year, so now I have to wait until September to run it. My goal is to achieve the pace I had for my very first, and fastest, half-marathon of 2 hours 18 minutes and 6 seconds. I had hoped to do a sub 2 hour half marathon after that, but the next year it was miserable weather, then the year after I was post-injury, and then the weight crept on. If I could get back to 2:18:06 and then work my way down, I would be thrilled! :D

Rob B.

I was (and still am) signed up for the London Marathon. Originally scheduled for April, now postponed until October - fingers crossed! I did my best HM time back in March in 2h:12.

Rob B.

11/22/2019 12:32PM
Hel-looooo! It’s a bit quiet in here. Last post was by me and that was a year ago. No one else runs? Not even a little bit? I run regularly, but I’m not fast or special in anyway. I’m happy to encourage beginners (I was one, just five years ago). It’s great fun (honest) and not just good as an aid to weight control, it’s great for your mental health. I’ll be on the road running tomorrow and all my cares and woes will disappear behind me....

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Rob B.

12/06/2018 11:55AM
  • Here I am, running my twelfth and final half marathon of the year in Orlando, FL. My time was 2h35, my worst of the year, but after spending a vacation with The Mouse and all that comes with it, it was all I had. A great race in a lovely city with some great people. It’s been a great year and in no small part, enabled by Dietbet.

Yvette N. likes this photo.

Rob B.

11/08/2018 10:34AM
  • Me at the Oakhaven Hospice New Forest Half Marathon last weekend. A trail run, my very first at this distance and a time of 2h20. Not bad at all. Beautiful scenery in Hampshire, UK and all the money going to the hospice charity. That’s all the good news, the bad news is that while I’m nowhere close to my weight when I first started Dietbet back in January, I have put 9 pounds back on.... I feel another New Year transformer is a definite possibility, particularly since I visit Orlando and The Mouse later this month.....

mark w. and Yvette N. like this photo.

Rob B.

10/14/2018 7:30AM
  • Me an two of the pacers from the Basingstoke half marathon, last week. An extremely hilly course that I completed in 2h22. I was very happy with that, particularly since I ran the last 5k in 28:56 which is pretty quick for me. That’s 10 HM’s this year and just two more to go.

Yvette N. and Willow like this photo.

Rob B.

09/16/2018 1:50PM
  • Complete my second best half marathon today in 2h15m47s at the Great East Run, Ipswich, Suffolk.

Sharon R. and Willow like this photo.

Rob B.

08/19/2018 7:55AM
  • Completed the Clacton Half Marathon in 2h22 this morning. A coastal run with two out and back sections. The wind was strong and inj my face fonhalf the entire race!

Willow likes this photo.

Rob B.

08/14/2018 7:35AM
Hello fellow runners. It’s a little quiet in here, but if anyone’s interested, I’ve just started a XXXbet double. After a month off and trying to control my weight, I’ve decided to do a quick Kickstarter and a RunBet to go alongside it. The RunBet require 4x30 minute runs over 4 weeks. I should be ok - it means an extra weekly run, so I just have to fit it in. It should also help the Kickstarter too. I have another Half Marathon this weekend. My next post will be a report from my run at Clacton on the Essex coast.

Rob B.

07/04/2018 1:11AM
  • Me approaching the finish line at the Leamington Spa half marathon on Sunday with a time of 2h28. It was over 80F again - hard work! A double celebration is due having just successfully completed my first Transformer too!

Rob B.

06/11/2018 1:58AM
  • This is me at yesterday's St Albans Half Marathon, my sixth of the year. A respectable (for me anyway) 2h20 given that it was relentlessly hilly. Very hard work, but all the more rewarding for it. They gave out ice lollies and flap jacks at the end, but given that I burned over 2200 calories according to my fitness tracker, I hope you'll forgive me for eating them!