Weight Watchers: Real Results!

299 members $95,757.32 won 1,411.1 lbs

Leslee T.

02/01/2018 7:00AM
I joined Weight Watchers in the first week of January. I followed the Points Plus program years ago and lost about 40 lbs. I'm currently participating in my very first DietBet to help keep the motivation going.

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Wendy C.

Hi I still follow points plus. It works for me. I find Smartpoints to be like a deprivation diet and freestyle reminded me of Atkins. I like I can eat variety and GHG Good Health Guidelines keep me on track with water intake, fruits, vegetable, milk, vitamin and healthy oils. I never understood why WW removed all the pics of GHG in meetings. Much success on WW and diet bet!

Margaret P.

me too!