Brides to Be!

186 members $27,598.14 won 521.8 lbs


04/06/2018 8:17AM
I just joined this group and need the motivation! My fiance and I haven't set a date yet, but got engaged just before Valentine's Day, 2018. I haven't set a date yet because I want to look great and needed to motivate myself - my starting goal is to lose 20 lbs before I can set the date. Hopefully that'll happen in the next month or two and then, set a date :). My overall goal is to lose about 60 lbs to be where I'd like to be and to maintain for good. Hope everyone is having some success here!

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Just remember, he wants to marry you, not the number on the scale, and if everyone else can give us love, we should be able to love ourselves too! Fellow bride here wanting to look good for the big day, but also be healthy for the children after, and for myself. You will look magnificent on that day regardless of if you hit the ideal weight you have, and when people/kids/you look back on the pictures of that day, the only thing captured on it will be the love and happiness of the day. <3 <3 Stay motivated for you! Rooting for you!