Brides to Be!

186 members $27,598.14 won 521.8 lbs

Torry B.

04/29/2018 5:31AM
I have been losing relatively well over the last few months, but in the last three weeks I have completely stalled out. I have about 10 more lbs I would love to lose before the wedding July 28th. But the scale seems really stuck. Any suggestions for shifting things and making some progress after a long stall?

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Without knowing exactly what you've been doing, I'd suggest drinking more water, changing up the workout (the body might be used to it now), eating less calories (you may be at maintenance for what you've been consuming), working out more, or trying intermittent fasting. :)

Torry B.

Workout change up is a great idea! I'm trying some spinning classes this week! Thanks for the suggestions!