50 Shades of Gains

6 members $1,666.30 won -5.3 lbs

Sam Artypants

01/16/2016 12:04PM
I was shocked when i weighed myself today that i've gained 10lbs since the summer. I have been working out pretty regularily and eating pretty well... the new meal plan i'm on is about 600 more calories then i was eating before and so part of it is putting on muscle but also, i havent been consistent ENOUGH with the workouts, sometimes opting for lighter workouts from other programs. SO i can't be too freaked out by these numbers. but now its decision time. I have 4 weeks left in this program... do i continue and see it through to the end. or do i switch to a lighter program that lets me eat fewer calories. i don't want to quit my current program half way through but I also want to make sure I win this bet and lose 5lbs. I think i should stick it out but drop my calorie intake down and really be NO-NONSENSE about the meal plan. Michael and I are going to have pasta tonight and then be effing RELIGIOUS about it for the next 4 weeks.