Healthy Recipes

332 members $112,490.06 won 1,933 lbs


12/30/2015 3:21PM
Hi Everyone! I'm excited to tell you that I'm hosting my first game! Search "Jiggle Off Your Santa Belly" and help me grow the pot. The *BEST* thing about this game - - the bet is only $15. Intentionally set not to further strain the wallet after the holidays. Join me and lets kick off 2016 with a jiggle!! :)


Changed the date to January 15th, so more people have a chance to join! Tech support is telling me it's not showing up in the feed because I don't have 20 players signed up yet....mmm. Anyhow, if you search "Jiggle Off Your Santa Belly" the game will show up! See you there! :)