Healthy Recipes

332 members $112,490.06 won 1,933 lbs

Ali-Biggest Loser

01/12/2016 2:26PM
I hope everyone is plugging along with their weight loss goals. As we all know weight is easier put on than taken off. But what we also know is that we absolutely can do anything we put our minds to! I want to INVITE everyone to join my DietBet starting Jan. 18th, that's next Monday! I know many are already doing a DietBet or 2 so why not use that momentum to maximize your efforts and join my DietBet too! Weight loss is so much more than just calories in and calories out so this year in my DietBets we are going to focus on all the ways our weight effects us so that we can pinpoint and let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors! I hope to see in the Bet, here's the link to sign up