Bowyer Sisters!

4 members $4,061.29 won -22.9 lbs


11/05/2014 1:41PM
Whew.....that was so close. I have been stepping on and off the scale all day because I was within ounces again. Trying on different pants, drinking a lot of water so I'd need to pee... but I got it. And it was verified so fast! Within 30 seconds. I've never had it that fast before. I'm starting the transformer today. 10% in 6 months is more doable... Now that's I've lost 30 lbs I'm not as confident I can keep the same rate of weight loss going. But maybe I need to just need to buckle down and follow the program exactly. Either way, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming I'd like to be able to relax slightly.

Roselanni V. likes this comment.

Taralee C.

Hooray! glad to hear you made it. I';ve been wondering.