Hello all, Happy Tuesday. It's day 14- We are 2 weeks in.
I had a bit of a backslide since my last posting.
Long story short:
too much coffee + not enough sleep + school/internship/work + trying to run 3 miles a day = hurt knees, no sleep, I want coconut-ice-cream. in. that. order.
So, last Thursday, Friday and Saturday were binge-esque. I enjoyed some delicious coconut bliss ice cream (dark chocolate walnut) on a sugar cone ! so good, plus I also enjoyed tortilla chips and too much hummus to mention.
Needless to say my sodium was through the roof and I was feeling like crap.
In fact, when I binged this past time, I was present doing it, I actually heard my own self say to myself “hey, what are you doing? you don’t really want to do this? You’re just exhausted”. But still, the ice-y goodness won.
I also had a headache on Thursday and Saturday and a stomach ache all Sunday afternoon.
Lesson : Binging never really solves the problem and never leads to a solution that makes you feel better
That being said, I don’t have a solution. I mean, I’m realistic and when I’m exhausted and all I want is ice cream ‘going for a walk’ or ‘taking a bath’ like weight-loss guru’s say to do just won’t cut it.
Instead I think I just want to practice being more mindful and understand that there isn’t anything wrong with wanting a little something special from time to time, just not in excess.
Anyway, in other news, I started this diet bet at 152.?? and this morning I weighed 146.4 lbs. I couldn’t believe it, I haven’t seen that number since last summer.
SO instead of setting lofty goals that I’m too busy to achieve, I’m just going to practice being more mindful when I eat. Really enjoy it as a sensuous experience and try to eat with others if I can. I also want to really ‘hunker-down’ and try to stay under my calorie goal for the day. —- this will be hard today as I’m going to my boyfriends house for dinner (i.e. pasta!) . But just staying mindful I’m hoping will allow me to eat less.
Cheers ! Hope everyone is doing well.
xo, H