Good for you Dave! I love the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It inspired my husband to do the 30 day juice fast and I went along with him for the ride - this was two years ago though. A couple of thoughts: 1) your weight loss is tracking at the same pace as my husband's - about a pound a day. Mine was not as significant I think because I did not have as much to lose initially as he did 2) I found that when I entered Joe's juice recipes into MyFitnessPal, the caloric intake for one day was more in the 1500 calorie range (+\- 300). Technically plenty of calories, but definitely low on the protein and fat side with carbs being off the charts. 3) you are right in that it is not sustainable. My husband gained back most if not all of the weight he lost. 4) we still juice every now and then when we feel like we need a reminder or reboot. I wish you the best of luck as you continue with this!