I'm seriously considering going back to a vegan diet, but am on the fence. It's not that I don't enjoy animal products, it's more of a health thing. Pros: I know I'll feel better and that my body will thank me for it. Cons: I get lazy. Having to scan every label to see if there are animal products, trying to come up with new recipes, becoming bored with it. That's what happened the last time I gave it a go. There came a day when I just wanted some damn macaroni and cheese, to hell with it all.
So I'm trying to decide what to do. I've done juice fasts before and am thinking that may be a way to kickstart it. Five days, nothing but juices that I make myself from fresh produce. I'm not talking starvation or even majorly decreasing calories, even when I've fasted in the past I've made sure I'm reaching or coming very close to reaching my recommended caloric intake. Once that is over, vegan city!
It would be SO much easier if I lived in a place that had more variety when it comes to shopping for healthy foods or even ONE restaurant that catered more toward vegan eating. Instead, I live in a small southern city that prefers beef topped with swine, covered in a cream-based seafood sauce. And now I'm hungry.
For anyone reading this blog, what do YOU think? Should I step out onto this limb again?