Day 2 - The past couple of times I've done a short juice fast, day 2 was the worst. Thanks for being predictable, day 2! I had a massive headache all day, everything ached, and I was just in a really crappy mood. However, I plugged right along with the plan. Something I did notice, which I didn't really notice before--while I wasn't what I considered to be "hungry" I found that I had to stop myself from reaching for food. Is it THAT much of a habit? When I see a tasty treat within reach I'm going for it? It's really make me start to think about how mindful I've NOT been when it comes to food. Day 2, you may have sucked but at least you taught me something and for that, I salute you!
Day 3 - Headache gone, yay! Still not feeling at my best though and starting to remember why I hate a juice fast. Is it the lack of food? No. Lack of willpower? Nuh-uh. It's the time it takes to prepare the produce and clean the damn juicer. I HATE cleaning the juicer? It's not that it takes a long time or is labor intensive, there's just SOMETHING about it especially when it has to be done more than once in a day. Last night I told my husband, "The next time I talk about doing this, remind me not to." "Why?" he responded. "Because I hate cleaning this damn thing and I really don't feel all that great this time around." He pointed out that I probably didn't feel so great because of all of the crap I'd been putting into my body over the past few months. I realized he's probably right. Fatty, sugary, and processed foods really do affect your body, folks. I need to make long-term changes to treat my body the way it should be treated. I'm questioning what I'm actually going to do regarding a food plan when I'm done with the fast. As much as I WANT to go vegan, I'm uncertain if it's realistic for me on a long-term basis. Knowing me, I'll get bored really quickly.
I've got some thinking to do about all of that. In the meantime, only days 4 and 5 to go!