Now everybody together.. I pledge allegiance to my core.. and to the bones surrounding it...for which it body i've been given to strengthen and lengthen and lean out.. ...Amen?

I don't know why but i always felt the Pledge of Allegiance needed to end with an Amen or a Spartan HOWAA HOWAA HOWAA! Love that movie, ladies and certain gentlemen if you're lonely one night rent 300 ;)

Anyway! What is everyone doing for their core these days? Planks, breathing excersizes, crunches, squats...coughing(stupid bug going around)? 

I'm sure you all know how valuable our core is and how important it is for us to strengthen it and give it attention. Not only does it protect our spin but having a strong core can help us look leaner and give us that flat tummy some of us have only seen on ourselves in our dreams, it also takes some of the weight off the bones, and helps with balance. 

Side note, I packed chicken and brocolli for lunch and i'm looking at it and i'm both really proud of myself and really disappointed in myself for not stopping at Long John Silvers for some cheap fish tacos after Yoga... 

Back to the core.. The core is actually made up of three sheaths of muscles: The upper abs, the side muscles, which are called the obliques, and then this very deep layer of muscle. Those deep muscles are the ones that do all the good stuff, like support your spine and act as a natural corset—so when you work them not only do you get a flatter stomach but a tighter stomach. Another perk will be your visceral fat will drop.. and who really wants fat around their organs giving higher risks of heart disease and other scary health complications.. NOT ME!! :) 

Keep doing your crunches, coughing, leg raises, squats, etc. Look up Core workouts on pinterest and youtube, you'll find a bajesus number of them :) And if it turns out what you did/doing isn't specific to the core, ENGAGE it, tuck that belly button in and keep going, no workout is useless if you're moving around and doing your body some good!

But also remember to be mindful of what your body is telling you. Remember to check in with your Doctor periodically throughout your health journey, they need to be in the loop when our systems go through dramatic changes changes. Even if you need to lose only 5 or 10lbs you still should check in, (losing 10lbs will take 40lbs of pressure off your knees.. that is a huge adjustment! So those struggling with knee pain, try dropping a couple lbs before you fight with your insurance company about going to see a physical therapist, you might see a difference, if you tore something, not to sure weight loss will help, SORRY!) And I know going to the doctor is SUCH A DRAG, cold waiting rooms, HGTV playing on 4 different tvs, but they really just have you're best interest at heart and they are going to be so excited you've started this journey and want to be with you through these stages. 

I'm invisioning my bland piece of chicken is that crispy buttery fish and i'm preternding my brocolli is the tortilla sourounding it and the baja sauce on top.. 

Paleo fish tacos for dinner it is then!! :)

I made these a few weeks ago... superb! :) I skipped the honey because I like things more spicey than sweet... I call it sassy paelo fish tacos 

Just a warning, I am not a doctor/trainer/nutritionist/group instructor/or God. The information I have provided here i've learned through my fitness and dietting journey from trainers, instructors, and online research which we all know is NOT 100% accountable or trustworthy. 

Today for you all I want you all to find something that makes your heart happy, weither it's turning the kids light off 5 minutes later because you want to read them one more Thomas the train story, get to the pool a minute early tomorrow so you can spend one more minute in the hot tub than you normally give yourself, find an inspirational print off and pin in on your cubical wall to give you a reminder to put a little pep in your step on a stressful day. YOU deserve a smile today, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and so on.. even if the scale or measuring tape doesn't go your way this week, think back to that huge bellowy laugh you never give anymore but couldn't help but let out when you had that glass of wine with your friends the other night, when you let yourself have a breadstick with your salad at Pizza Hut while listening to your beautiful children talk about their days and fighting over what toppings should go on their stuffed crust pizza (im drooling, get this lady a glass of wine and a friggen slice of pizza!) you tell yourself right now it's okay to smile today, we are not perfect, life is not perfect. I think staying postive and as stress free as possible is so essential for a journey that can be a little crumbling, damaging, and can just wreck havoc on our self esteem. Just remeber to smile and tomorrow is a new day, get back on that saddle and use the lessons you've learned today. 

Have the most successful day you can!