I love my fitbit. It tells me how many steps I have done for the day. It also has a great app that allows me to keep track of how many calories I am overeating vs not eating.

I use so many apps to try to keep me motivated, I have a hard time keeping track of them all or I try one and if I don't like it I can't get myself to delete it, just in case I need to ever use it.

My Favorite apps to use are:
My fitness pal to keep track of my food
Fitbit app
Map my run
Diet bet

I also use on rare occasion
interval timer
scale tracker for my scale.

I have tried Endomundo but it doesn't seem to work if I place it in my background on my iphone

I just started Chris's Bod-e app I think I will try to start his diet next monday.

This week I have been unable to stay on track. Mainly because of my scheudle and my pill episode of being so foggy all day yesterday.

Yesterday I saw my trainer to work on arms and he had me do a quick cardio I thought I was going to die. I only have a few more sessions with him which I don't want to end I can fit him into my schedule when I want to where for me taking a class I don't really have to go. I only have 3 mores sessions left with him and I have to decide whether I am going to spend the money now to sign up for more sessions or to try to do it on my own. I do not feel I am ready to do it on my own. Having an appt with him forces me to go, but at the same time the price of a personal trainer is very expensive and money I don't really have to shell out until tax seasons but they do financial plans. My father wants me to also try crossfit, the problem with that is they are classes so you have to go during their scheduled times, they dont have a daycare at his gym which I need or find a sitter and it doesn't really fit well in my scheudle as no one has 4pm classes.

So here are a few questions.

What apps have you found have helped you stay on track?


Should I take into account that I really should sign up again for a personal trainer or try to do it on my own or try cross fit which I deeply know that I wont make it to all the classes but is cheaper than a personal trainer?