We are one week into the challenge and I have really been working hard.  Tracking my nutrition daily as well as working out everyday.  Last week I didn't miss a day for either which means I"m back and in full swing.  It feels so good to be back to a normal and healthy life style.  Now that my food menu and workout plan are in place I have no excuss to fail.  I just need to work on the mental part of this whole process.  My journey this year has helped me realize that I'm strong than I think I am.  Everytime I get hurt or sore or I'm tired I keep telling my self that it's not easy but don't give up.  If I want to be a true athlete I need to go through the pain to get to the other side. 

I had a difficult swim the other night at the pool and was disappointed but I pushed through the workout and still completed my 1600 meters that I set out to do.  Most of it was pulling instead of actual free style swimming but the point is I didn't give up and it felt good to just finish the workout.  It's times like these that are break through moments for me.

Stay positive and never give up! 
