My request to work compressed work weeks was approved yesterday. I'm quite excited because this will bring quite a change to my regular routine - and who's kidding who, it's this routine that's landed me with a bunch of extra weight to lug around everywhere I go.
Beginning the week of May 11th (sounds far away but it isn't really), I will be arriving to the office much earlier every day and working until about my usual time. I will have Fridays off every week. NICE! The primary motivator for this change in schedule is that we have booked more camping time than we have vacation days. It's not that it would be impossible to drive in to the office a few days while we're camping, but really, who wants to do that while their brain is drunk on waterfront views of the St Lawrence River. Not this GlampingGal! :-) And so, from this predicament, a solution was born - compressed work weeks!
Because we won't be camping every Friday, I will have some time at home to catch up on housework, yard work and 'body' work. Having a day when I'm in charge of my own schedule all day long will be great because I'll be able to fit in some workouts (uh, and by 'workouts' I mean putting in some time on the treadmill - I wouldn't want to mislead you with ideas of hardcore workouts).
I'm looking forward to the change in morning routines. I used to be a morning person. Several years ago, I was one of those annoying people who would come into the office at 8 o'clock having washed her floors, done 3 loads of laundry and baked muffins that morning. As time went on, I started staying up later with my night owl hubby. Getting up at 5 o'clock became so difficult, I stopped. I now get up with just enough time to rush around and get ready to go to work. Rush, rush, rush!
Having to come into the office earlier will require me to return to my early morning routine. I won't have time to do 3 loads of laundry before going to work, but that's okay. I'll have evenings, weekends and FRIDAYS to catch up.
If you had Fridays off, what would you do on those days?