Day One
I have made a diet bet profile
I have a digital scale still in the box in my office
I have some games I wan to join
I am terrified
Day Two
I spent the day being active - getting organized
Finally at about 9pm I joined my first kick starter
I don't think my digital scale is working or I don't know how to program it correctly?
I dreaded weighing myself however, interestingly enough my weight did not upset me like I thought it would. It didn't make me want to sabbotage my goals and stuff a cookie in my mouth
It is as if I have resigned myself to the obvious fact that I need to lose weight and that it is time. Kind of like a smoker feels when they quit they just know it is time, they are no longer enjoying their lives as a smoker (and no I do not smoke)....I am no longer enjoying myself as an overwieght person
It's funny Ive reached a wieght where people/strangers/ the public don't notice me unless they have to move out of the way so I could walk by
A friend I have made on diet bet asked me what some of my goals are I guess one of my milestone goals is to be noticed because I look healthy and energized and not
Ironically though one of my fears of losing weight is being noticed - having extra weight is a real way to sheild yourself, your real self from society.......
Errr I just got an email from Diet Bet I have to weigh myself again because my face was not visible - I am terrible at taking selfies!!! I have short limbs and a long back but a stunning personality
Let's try weighing in again......