Yesterday was a good day. I got a good amount of sleep and I was drinking water all day. You know what I realized? It's hard to be in a bad mood when you are hydrated, had 7 seven hours of sleep, are eating nutritious food,and exercising. Like you have to try really hard lol. I still get stressed at work and my patience might suffer when my children fail to be quiet but I was in a good mood all day! It was great!

I think having this shake for breakfast is nice. I was getting as much protein before and its so much nicer on my jaw that hates me right now lol. For lunch I brought my own lunch (which I will do for the next month) because I don't want to cause myself unecessary pain. Then I got home, cleaned, work out, took a shower, and went for a walk. You know that I would never go on that walk if  I wasn't aiming for at the very least 10,000 steps a day. It was 9pm and I only had 5,400 steps lol. I decided that it was time for a late night stroll. During that time I took the oppertunity to talk to friends and family back home. It was nice. I will definitely do it more often. :)



  • Breakfast: Protein Shake (Vanilla Whey, Banana, Frozen strawberry, milk, and spinach) almond milk with coffee
  • Lunch: Broccoli, Soup, Ratatouille
  • Dinner: Steak, Ratatouille
  • Snack: 200ml of milk with coffee, boiled egg, meal bar, crasins

Sleep: 6 hours 22 mins

Water: 4 liters

Exercise: Strength Training and DANCING! WOOOOOO