I hate exercising. Ok that's a lie... I lack all motivation to start, but once I am doing it, I do enjoy it. But my idea of excerise is pretty much cardio and killing it on an elliptical. I would like to try my hand at running again but I always seem to get hurt..shin splints, tendonitis in the ankle..Walking is more my "speed" honestly. I bought a FitBit One and I love it. It's a mini-game to make my goal each day and it has forced me to walk home more often from work and get in extra walking at lunch.. If I could get myself to the gym that would be great too. I think tonight I am going to give Chalean's PiYo program a try again. I need work on my flexibility and balance, and living in a 2nd floor apartment, the low intensity is lower level neighbor friendly! I splurged this weekend and it lead to a 2.6lb gain..and I know that's a "normal" fluctuation and could be water weight (especially since I didn't drink enough water and splurging always means saltier foods.) I just don't want to lose the progress I made, I need to win my first DB!
Also, shameless plug.. Join my Vacation Time DB that starts on June 25th (my birthday!). I need another 4% push before my cruise and I wanted to time it perfectly. After I am back, I think I will join a Transformer in August!!