I recently finished my first Transformer on DietBet. I made my goal of 10% of my initial weight lost. Woohoo! As a reward, I used a portion of my winnings to get some new ink.
Now, I'm not one to just get inked without thinking things through long and hard...but there is this one song that I heard (and I love!) with a line in particular that speaks to me. And I really wanted to get that line scripted on my body. But the longer I thought about it, I just couldn't envision that it would work in the way I wanted - and needed - it to that would allow me to put it on my body forever. Sigh.
What to do...? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words - so I started searching for the perfect image that would invoke those lines in my head whenever I saw it. And I found it - in a sunflower.
To keep things short, I had this sunflower inked on my inner upper arm. Where I can see it easily and it will remind me that the sun is shining always - even when I can't see it. And that even when it's dark or cloudy or in times of despair - the sun shall always shine through. A permanent reminder for me - and trust me, folks, some days I really need it!
Wishing you all warm and sunny thoughts on this Wednesday and throughout your journey.