We're off on this giant weight loss adventure, and I'd like to think I've made an okay start. Unlike many weight loss attempts, I'm focusing less on the immediate results, and more on the long term goal. I'm using an app to track my meals and count my calories, and I'm going slow and steady. I don't need extrodinary changes to my lifestyle to meet my goals. If I make healthy choices throughout the day, I can indulge in a half serving of potoato chips after work and not worry about blowing the bank. I even turned down chocolate covered almonds at work knowing I could have my favourite cookie or potato chips once I got home, and I'd be a lot happier.
I'm going to put my attention towards moving forward making smart choices, not ambitious ones. I know what I need to do. I know all of the science and statistics. Now it's just a matter of putting it into practice.
I will be the best me I can be from here on out.