Food, Friend or Enemy?  Depending on who I ask and their mood their answers varies.  For me, for soo long it was my comfort zone.  My friend and enemy.  Haven't you notice when someone want to celebrate, you go out for a meal or drinks to do so?  When you are feeling down, you bring a bucket of ice cream and enjoy it.  Why doesn't anybody celebrate a pay raise by inviting you for a bike ride or a walk along the beach?  Maybe because it's not as much fun. lol  For me, food was/is a friend that I could count on to celebrate with friends and family or something that I can count on when down.  It was an enemy when I looked at my self in a mirror and looked at all the weight I had gain. A way to hide my feeling of unhappiness, of dissapointment but most of all a way to rely on something that I knew would make me feel good temporarily.  I ate everything and ate it in big portions. It was a race to eat it all and constantly felt I was competing against my self.  The more I let outside things get to me, the more food I ate.  Why not?  There was no one to impress, no one to tell me otherwise.  However, recently something inside of me click.  Maybe it was the motivation to see a friend who had lost some weight, maybe it was because it was Wednesday.  Who knows, all I know is when it changed things where never the same.  It's still a daily battle between what I need and want out of food.  I love food but dislike what it does to my body when I don't choose wisely.  So I'm learning to eat in portions.  Smaller portions for sure.    I still eat everything I crave,  how can I not when there is soo much out there to try.  However now, I stop myself maybe after the second slice of pizza, or after the first serving of chips.  My weight lost hasn't been dramatic, on the contraire it has been painfully slow.  Yet I can't or shouldn't complaint about it.  It took years to gain all this weight, I expect it will take more than a couple of weeks, months to loose some of it.  In the process I'm learning to make changes to my daily routine.  I'm learning to work out for me.  I've made it a habit to tell my self that a walk around the park at the end of the day is my way to see the sunset by myself.  For me to be by myself and really enjoy the time to smell the roses.  Although in all honesty, there is not a single rose in the park. lol.  I'm weak, boy am I weak, I constanly dream of chocolate cake.  Uhmm to feel the richness of it's chocolate the smoothness of the moose uhmmm delicious!. However, I know that I much rather enjoy it with a slimmer body that with the body that I had just 4 months ago.   Food it still my friend and every now and again my enemy (with all the greasy food like onion rings, wings, fries, yummy) but I'm learning to accept it for what it is.  It's just food.