Well now I'm at the end of the second week, I think I can safely say that the initial excitement has somewhat worn off now! I am still committed to the challenge and improving my eating habits, but seeing when weighing in that I still have 23 (weekly) weigh-in tokens left has reminded me that it is quite a long period of time before I get to where I want to be.
I have been really good so far though with trying to formulate healthy habits - I am trying to eat protein as part of every meal (no more reliance on pizza as a staple!), healthy carbohydrates (i.e. not pizza), plenty of fruit and veg, drink plenty of water etc. I have also cut back on drinking wine, although that one is particularly tough after some days at work - stopping myself reaching for a wine glass now makes me realise just how much I was doing that before - oops! I have been out for drinks a couple of times since I started this challenge, but I've been quite restrained really, I think I've probably been taking my time and enjoying drinks more because overall I've been having less. The same thing hasn't really happened with food yet as I'm finding myself still having to think a lot about what to eat and keep correcting my choices, which is more stressful, but hopefully it will happen in time.
I've also been keeping up with exercise - mostly cycling now the weather is so nice, but a bit at the gym as well. Went on a long bike ride with a friend yesterday and had a meal out afterwards - I confess I did allow myself a pizza and a glass of wine, but they were small ones!!