Susan L.

07/04/2015 9:56AM
I loved reading this and boy do I relate to you!!! But with me it is potatoes....I just dearly LOVE POTATOES. I can't stop eating them until they are all gone. My very favorite potatoes are French fries. I don't think I will ever be able to conquer THIS addictive . I just don't cook them except for special occasions. Sometimes Dave will cook them and I hide in the bedroom with the door shut so I can't smell them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biking Syl and adrienne121 like this comment.


Thanks Susan!!! You are too funny!!! You hide in the bedroom to avoid smelling them??? WOW!!! I can relate because I love french fries too!!! Girl, I could have a french fry party & be happy by myself!!! Give me some Idaho potatoes & a knife, & IT'S ON!!! LOL!!! I'll cut them up, fry them up, & sprinkle a lttle salt & pepper with ketchup on the side, & it's a wrap!!! Just let me sit in front of a good movie, & I'm set!!! LOVE THEM!!! YUMMY YUMMY FOR MY TUMMY!!! LOL!!!

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