So the moment of truth has arrived!!! Just stepped on the scale and weighed in for my 3 new Diet Bets and the game that I am hosting "It's No Sin 2 Be Thin." I knew that I put back on a gazillion pounds in the past 5 months since I had turned the focus off of my own health goals and had stopped Diet Betting. The great news is that I am still down 31.2 lbs from when I began this journey at 219.8 lbs over two years ago! WHOO HOO!
I am now tipping the scale at 188.6 lbs, which means that I've put back on 48 lbs. From today forward, I reclaim my life and make MYSELF a top priority again. By New Years I'll be back down into the 140 lb range and feeling better than ever! I love my Diet Bet community!!! Thank you all for the tremendous support the past two years!
My new Diet Bet begins THIS Friday. Created it at the last minute and so really haven't had a chance to share it. So doing that here and now.
Participants in the 17 Diet Bet games that I've hosted have lost over 8700 pounds. Join us!!!