I have been slowly loosing weight.  I find I do a lot better when I plan ahead.   Today I did well until about 6 PM when dinner was not ready and I was starving.  Planningis sometimes difficult because I do not give  myself time.  I really need to have enough time in am to pack a few high fiber protein rich options in case I have no time between ,settings or no good lunch options.  Water is also easier when I take a glass with me to work.   


So I realize I need to really plan ahead for our trip to Ireland. The plane ride and breakfast items as I know I will eat pastry etc if I fail to take food.  Fiber supplements and snacks too.  


Working on this is easier some days than not, it is obviously easier when I don't hit the snooze.  It isn't exactly that easy though. I like to waste time in the morning and enjoy coffee.  I also must start planning exercise time and that is my next challenge for the next 2 weeks.  Starts Saturday as tomorrow is a mess already.