Well, I'm jumping back in. I started Dietbet this January and had great success, winning my first three Kickstarters (go me!) But then progress slowed -- still losing, just not enough to win -- for the next few months, and the last couple months have been difficult. I dropped out here, not reading or responding to blogs; I felt overwhelmed. I've gained back five pounds -- though I think I've stopped the gaining back and have held steady. But oh, I need some more determination. I do NOT want to continue feeling big and unhealthy and sorry for myself.
SO. I have done this:
- scheduled workout/walk times on my Google calendar (walking out in the neighborhood if weather good, Wii at home or cardio/weights at senior center if weather is bad)
- entered Back to YOU with the Sisterhood! (starts September 2)
- entered the October 31 Virtual Race Great Pumpkin Dash put on by Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans.
I'm planning on a 5K walk, but I did print out the Sisterhood's C25K+Strength & Abs training calendar to consider. But it has jumping jacks and burpees, and I am not much of a jumper and boy do I hate burpees.
And I will check in here each week and log foodand exercise each day.