following is a repost from my blog at
This has been an interesting week. This past Monday I saw a weight in the 220s for the first time in I don't know how long ....
That 229 weight was after a lot of running and a bit of sleep but still a nice preview of things to come :)
I took my official Thursday weigh-in at the end of the day for a nice 236 which helps to solidify my place in the 230s which is well beyond what I was shooting for at the beginning of this year. The next morning I was 234.2 so I am on course for another month in the 230s and should have an average weight maybe 3 or 4 lbs lighter than last month :)
I actually set a 5K PR (personal record) this past Saturday (8/29) and thought of the many people on DietBet working to improve themselves.
Changing oneself, dropping weight or improving as a runner can be such a long, arduous process. I've been fortunate and grateful that I am still able to improve. I am very grateful. However, the timelines in my head, the pace at which I envision improvement has always fallen short of the reality. Maybe not by much, a few months perhaps, maybe more but there's no cheating reality.
I guess a key to success is in bolstering hope while minimizing discouragement and continuing with persistent efforts.
For me, that 5K represented an expression of hope and something I wanted to share. It represents 20 months of training that started in January of 2014 with a few hundred miles of walking and culminating with nearly a 1,000 miles of running thereafter. It started with a body weight of 316.2 pounds and barely able to run 15 seconds. So, while a 5K in 34:25 is below average or mediocre at best in the world of runners, it was huge for me.
There will come a time in our life when we won't be able to improve our times anymore. I don't know exactly when that will be for me but, for now, my goals are still fraught with improvement.