I have all kinds of "how to be healthy" info, I even work part time at the YMCA but man I have a tough time staying motivated past week 1.  The 1st week is breeze then everything falls apart. 1 bad day then 2 then I'll start again next week.  At some point I have to wrap my head around getting it right.  I began dancing lessons with my husband last night and some of the moves would be more fluent, but are hindered by my size. Not to mention the room is surrounded by mirrors and man every curve and flabby spot is accented.  So here I am trying something new.  I need to focus and get my eatting in order cause let's face it there is always going to be a party, cookout, dinner out, ect... and I have to learn to make good choices. I have to exercise more.  I admit I need help and will give help when I can.  Goodluck, let's do this!!!