So now that we were able to squash the “lack of time” misconception and start implementing healthy into your every day, I want to draw attention to the busy-ness of the social season that we are about to endure and squash the misconception that a healthy lifestyle cannot be started or maintained during the holidays. Together we will be healthy and happy and the bell of the ball when we follow a few tips for success during the parties, celebrations, and brunches to come.
Let’s start with Fall treats and Thanksgiving, followed by Halloween and office parties, nights out with friends, rolling into Christmas dinners, left overs for brunch, Christmas Morning Breakfast, New Years Eve….and the list continues. In the next few months, there are ample opportunities to say ‘why bother?’ and ‘I’ll start fresh in the new year.’. Our waist lines take a hit as much as our wallets and any work that we have done in the months leading up to these celebrations are quick to be past achievements that we will start anew in the next year and the cycle continues.
I want you to beat the rush of ambition come New Years Day. Why not stay consistent and healthy throughout the holidays and rock that sexy outfit to ring in the New Year? It’s not as easy as saying, just eat healthy and stay active. There are a few key points that can help you succeed and come out on the other end healthier and happier than before.
Here are a few key tips to follow to navigate your way through a healthy fall, festive season and a head start on a new year filled with happiness and success.
**Never attend events empty handed: Following a plan can mean eating a variety of good for you foods, but a lot of the time, when entertaining, we often forget that less can be more and are more than happy to bring out the full fat whip, the extra stick of butter and the ‘full flavour’ dressings. Have we forgotten that food actually tastes great when we can taste the food? Bring a new recipe and exciting way to enjoy a healthy favorite and introduce the idea of healthy tastes good to all your friends and family! This way you can nibble guilt free and can share your recipe as a topic of conversation.
Here is a quick recipe to try out that will be a favorite for everyone, is quick to prepare and looks delish!
-butter lettuce leaves dis-assembled from bunch and placed on fancy plate
-cleaned and DE shelled cooked shrimp placed in each leave
-sliced avocado placed in each leave
-fresh herbs and lemon or lime wedge beside each leave to sprinkle and dress
-Dip – greek yogurt + fresh dill + lemon wedge for spooning in the lettuce wrap.
**Avoid the office treats: Post Halloween and pre festive season, everyone at the office finds it convenient to bring left over Halloween candy, nut trays or chocolate varieties to the office to leave on display and test your will power. Do not start! It is cut and dry. Do not walk passed that area, do not allow yourself a ‘just a little bit’, simply make it a non option. If you are hungry, eat your lunch at 10am and then eat another healthy lunch at lunch. You will be much further ahead and will consume less calories than are in a couple stops at the treat station.
**Avoid the snack table/hor d’ouevres: This goes along with the treats at the office. Are you familiar with those people that seam to enter the party and make a spot at the snack table and don’t leave that spot? Are you one of those people? Mindless consumption will never leave you feeling good and is not worth it. You probably don’t even realize how many times you reach into the bowl of goodies and if you were to track the mindless nibbling, you would be surprised at how quickly little snack foods add up to a days worth of calories.
Think of it like this: Do we really need to eat before eating? Do we really need to amuse our mouths? Instead of focusing on snacking to avoid or encourage conversation, let’s spend time with people we actually care to talk to and find interesting? Do you know what your Uncle Joe does for fun? What about the great trip your Aunt Sally just went on with your cousins? I know you cannot choose your family, but if you knew a bit more about them other than what kind of drink they like, the things they dislike about their job or the fact that the weather has been so crummy sprinkled in with a random cheer for a sport game on tv to move the conversation along…why not take this time to enjoy the company you choose to spend your time with.
**Always drink Water: It’s ok to enjoy a beverage, celebrate with a glass of whatever you like. Everything in moderation is ok, as long as you are aware of the opportunity costs those drinks hold when it comes to the time you spend trying to feel good. An awesome quote that was recently posted at our local Anytime Fitness is “you cannot out train a bad diet” This is true. Always be sure to drink water and stay hydrated and enjoy yourself consciously and responsibly.
**Track your calories and Allow for treats: It is important to know how many calories are in the snacks and foods we choose to eat and the drinks we consume. It’s ok to enjoy a day off, but consecutive days of over consumption will lead to weight gain. No one is perfect and sometimes we eat or drink more than we should, but consistency wins and most likely, if we consistently live healthy and on occasion over indulge, our bodies are telling us we were hungry and our metabolism can use the extra calories. This may be a sign to eat more on a daily and thus cravings will go away and over indulging will be less and less. If you know that you are having a family supper, allocate your calories to allow that meal to make up your majority for that day, but do not show up hungry. Eat as you would throughout the day and enjoy a meal off plan with your family. When we know better, we do better.
**Always stick with your daily plan & Schedule your workouts in regardless of your busy schedule: Just because we have a week of events, does not mean we can skip out on our daily activities. We need the release of activity and the de-stressor of living healthy to help us achieve more and bring our best to any party or celebration. If you know you are going out on Friday and will miss Saturdays train, get back to it Sunday or Monday. One day off or a bad weekend, does not give you the go ahead to skip out on a week or longer from your lifestyle. Sometimes it’s easy to get lazy and really hard to encourage yourself to get back to busting butt. It is the key of consistency that will make you want to get back into activity and action and can stop the all or nothing behavior.
**Reward yourself for staying true to your lifestyle: Always reward yourself for doing things that make you the best you can be. Recognize that this is a choice that you have made and that you are doing a great job. Little temptations and excuses will always be there, but your commitment will make these seem less and less like temptations and more and more like sacrifices not worth taking.
**Enjoy yourself: No matter the situation, you should enjoy yourself. Spend time with those that matter to you, enjoy new experiences, enjoy the visit, the company and the celebration. Instead of justifying your choices, educate others on your goals and the actions you are taking. Speculation is formed from ignorance, so letting others in on your new and exciting lifestyle will allow them to ask questions and express interest.
**You are not alone: Living your healthiest lifestyle is not something that you have to do alone. There are so many others that have the same questions, the same desires, the same ambitions and goals. Finding a friend to share in these new experiences or a coach to help keep you accountable to your goals is life changing. Surround yourself with those that want the best for you and who are happy for your happiness and this journey will be easy and enjoyable with every single step.
You Rock!!
Holly Barker