So I hate being sick. But I am so glad it is finally over. 


So this past monday was the first time in the gym in over 2.5 weeks! I felt terrible. I felt so weak. But it was just so wonderful to finally be back.


I have been starting a new workout after that 1 month cycle where I increased my mobility.


It basically consists of SS along with some accessory exercises.


Workout A consists of the following:


Squats 5 5
Bench Press 5 5
Bent Over Row 5 5
Barbell Shrugs 3 8
Tricep Extensions 3 8
Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
Hyperextensions with plate 2 10
Cable Crunches 3 10


Workout B consists of the following:

Squats 5 5
Deadlift 1 5
Standing Press 5 5
Bent Over Row (10% lighter than Workout A) 5 5
Close Grip Bench Press 3 8
Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
Cable Crunches 3 10



As you can see I am squating everyday so it does become tiring but I deloaded heavily so I make sure my form is perfect. 


My current numbers for the lifts were as of Monday(10/26/15) were:


Squat: 150






I increase every lift by 5 if I finish the whole 5 sets of 5 with no trouble except DL which I increase by 10 lbs. I am looking forward to lifting today!