I have done this a thousand times. Let's make is 1,001 - and actually make it this time.
Since last October 2014, I have lost 38 pounds, and due to being a really, really, REALLY bad stress eater, I have gained back 20.
I'm also Type II diabetic.
Not a good combination. I am on 3 different blood pressure medications, diabetes medication, and I have to take medication just to sleep (my brain doesn't shut up).
I joined DietBet back in October (currently doing a Kickstarter challenge that will end next Tuesday) to see if I could have just a little more accountability. So far, it's worked. I was travelling for work in Indianapolis 2 weeks ago and did wonderfully. Got over 15,000 steps per day on my fitbit and even lost 2 pounds by the time I got back. I feel like I am on my way.
Do I not get support at home? I do - but it's not what I need. It's mostly snarky comments from my hubby. But then, we've been married just about 25 years. I'm used to snarky. :) Both my kids are grown and out of the house. I see my son, my oldest, about every month or so. I See my daughter every day - she works with me. The kids try to stay out of it. And I don't pester them for their input.
The real push for me was this - near the end of September, I was on a business trip with a co-worker. We were in Baton Rouge, LA - home of the most AMAZING seafood I have ever eaten, and also, land of many bars. The vendor we were visiting wanted to show us a REALLY good time and we ended up, every day we were there, going out eating and drinking til the wee hours of the morning. By the last day, I couldn't do it any more. I was in agony. My sugar levels were out of control. All I wanted to do was go home. And this was even with the medication, and with me making mindful choices. I didn't go crazy at all.
We got home, and the following week, I ended up missing 3 days of work in the ER because I couldn't get my sugar levels back in check on my own.
So.....here I am. Since I started the Kickstarter Challenge on October 27, I have lost 7.4 pounds (2.4 pounds from my goal for the challenge!) and feel soooooooooooo much better. I'm keeping my carbs lower (dr recommended) 100-150g/day. I'm walking 5-7 miles every day. And the hubby is keeping his snarkyness in check for now. I also joined a transformer that ends in May - 2 days before my 45th birthday!! Kinda excited about that one :)
Time to get the weight off and get rid of the health issues.
This is not a diet......it's my life!