I didn't get a chance to write my Week 4 blog post last weight with the 1st Official Weigh-In, but I am really excited to have met my Round 1 goal and to be 3% lighter!!! :)  I did start to feel a little discouraged lately, with less weight loss each week now, so I figured I would retake my measurements to boost morale.  Since the beginning of this weight loss journey, I have lost 7.2 lbs.  

Unfortunately, I had forgotten to take my initial measurements but was able to take my first measurements in Week 3, on December 7th.  Since that time, I have lost 2.5 inches off my waist, 2.5 inches off my chest, 1.5 inches off my thighs and 1/2 inch off my arms.  I didn't lose any inches off my hips, but those really seemed to thin out in the first few weeks before I took my initial set of measurements.

I am so glad I started this weight loss journey when I did and hope I can continue to keep up momentum moving forward! :)