I'm sticking a chubby pinky toe into DietBet to try to kick start myself back into healther living!
I've always been big - ever since about first grade. My heaviest weight was about 15 years ago when I weighed nearly 260 and on a 5'1" frame, that caused some nasty back pain nearly constantly. Through paying more attention to what I ate, I lost about 50 pounds about 13 years ago and when I started bellydancing after moving to New Jersey from Ohio 12 years ago, I was able to get down to my lowest adult weight of 150.
Unfortunately from quitting bellydance and stress eating, I'm back up to 200 and I need a kick in the butt! My back is acting up again, my blood pressure is up, my stomach is a mess and I feel tired all the time.
I actually will be participating in a two year weight loss study at the University where I work. The first weigh in for this will be September 5 so DietBet will be a good compliment to this. It's not a study involving any drugs or procedures, merely healthy eating and exercise. I also fortunately have a doctor's appointment on the 2nd to talk about the BP meds and the stomach issues so I'll hopefully be going into all this with my eyes wide open
Wish me luck!