Morning weigh-in: 165.0

Somehow managed to go up about a half of a pound since yesterday, but not sweating it too much. I'm sure I'm building muscle as well as burning fat, so there's going to be some fluctuation there. Though part of me has to giggle - yesterday I ate a cookie, the first time I've had real sweets since the beginning of the game. Maybe some correlation? ;) Actually, I ate more yesterday than I have been - nothing too horrible (other than said chocolate chip cookie), but additional calories nonetheless.

Yesterday's workout: 2 hours 35 min on elliptical thingy. Burned a lot of calories, but you still can't win 'em all. Ah well. 

Today will be a bit challenging, I think. We're supposed to be going to breakfast with people - I suppose at this point it will be brunch or lunch. haha. Not sure what's on the menu for dinner tonight. 

Do plan on working out with the husband and possibly sister in law, however. I want to do something to get my heart rate up. While the elliptical is great for relatively passively burning calories, I never reach the cardio HR level. This challenge isn't just about losing my padding - it's also about being healthy and prepping myself for our Machu Picchu honeymoon in March. So I need to make sure I'm pushing myself. 

Also need to plan meals for the next week and hit the grocery store today. We've cooked through everything planned for the week! 

At any rate, Happy Saturday to you all. Enjoy your weekends and good luck at hitting your goals!