As newlyweds, my husband & I are still figuring a lot of things out... Who takes out the trash? Who does the grocery shopping? Etc... etc....

Well, it just so happens that I'm in charge of most of the cooking. Michael helps out in the kitchen & does a great job of helping me clean up, but I do basically all of the meal planning & prep. 

Up until this week, that was going fine. 

---- Enter diet----

The grocery list was very different this week. Instead of frozen pizzas, there was frozen broccoli. Rather than cooking nightly meals, I prepped at the beginning of the week & just popped the tupperware containers in the microwave at meal times. 

Michael hates it. 

My husband doesn't have much weight to lose. He doesn't have to be careful about what he eats like I do. I find that having tempting foods in the house isn't a good idea for me, so I purged them. 

I bought healthy things like salad & chicken breast and green veggies, and he was bored after one day. I seriously don't know what to do! I don't want to spend time in the kitchen cooking things for him that I can't eat. I don't even want him cooking things I can't eat. I also don't think it's a good idea for him to grab fast food for every meal! 


How do you manage to cook for your significant other or family when you're on a diet? Am I just going to have to develop some self-control & get him the junk food he wants? Is there a compromise?!


Side note: I have lost 6 pounds this week, so I reallllyyyy want to stick to what I'm doing now! Ugh.