Morning weigh-in: 165.4
And here we go again... haha. It seems I go back and forth between 164 and 165 every day now. Still feeling bloaty, though. So all of my threats to limit sodium intake probably needs some follow-through. Yesterday it was pretty awful. Ate leftover chili, and then did some snacking on trail mix (not just high sodium, but a lot of carbs). Though I did have better water intake yesterday than I've been. I think I might also get some probiotics. I haven't been as, *ahem*, regular as I normally am. haha.
Hitting the grocery store today. I think I'm going to put together a menu for next week ahead of time and stick to it religiously. These last few pounds are coming off whether they want to or not! haha. Lots of chicken. Lots of veggies and fruits. Maybe some hard-boiled eggs. Yum.
Think I might do the stairs today as my workout. That burned a ton of calories last time, and is good training for hiking. Then later after my happy hour meeting (ugh), hop on the elliptical again. I'm going to plan to just eat here at home tonight, though a small salad out might not be the worst. We'll be eating leftovers for dinner otherwise. Tomorrow and Saturday night we have plans to eat out as well. Just need to focus on making good decisions even then.
Once the weekend is over, it's on.