Any time I have tried to lose weight I go for some plan like weight watchers or calorie counting where I have to count and keep track and then I feel like I have to be perfect and if I mess up I throw it all out the window. I tried South Beach a couple of times a number of years ago and while I had to think less, depriving myself of entire food groups led me to feel deprived and bored. At least for the first month, I'm going to try to just use common sense. Not eating things that are obvious junk food, not eating massive portions, limiting my whites (rice, flour, sugar, potatoes), and the most difficult: stopping when I'm full. I'm also using the couch to 5k app. I did my first jog/walk yesterday. I also want to try to incorporate strength training with my workout app. Here's hoping the diet bet makes me more aware of my actions.
Posted on August 25, 2014
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Sign in to CommentI have the same problem. I mess up just a little and then say: it's ALL OVER!! There was a guy on ABC's Extreme Weight Loss show last week and he compared his weight loss to climbing a mountain. (I know that metaphor is used a lot but this one resonated with me.) He said: when climbing, like in making healthy choices, you sometimes stumble or lose your footing. But it doesn't mean that you tumble ALL THE WAY to the bottom. You just stand up where you are, look down and see all the progress you've already made and keep going upward. I thought that was a really good realistic visual to help keep me going.
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