Morning weigh-in: 163.8

Woooo!!! I dropped below 164! Weirdly, yesterday I ended up doing an easier workout than planned (just getting on the elliptical for 1.5 hours) and had 2 beers in the evening - the first since New Year's. I thought I was going to gain some back, but lo and behold... it's weird how that works out. 

Did start taking a probiotic yesterday, so I'm hoping that will help my digestive track out a bit. Also bought some Emergen-C, and I'm finally starting to feel close to normal again with this cold. Thank god. 

Hit the grocery store yesterday and got all sorts of goodies to make this last week successful. Lots of chicken. Lots of veggies. Lots of healthy options. Today I'm going to hardboil a bunch of eggs, which will serve the basis for my breakfasts over the next week (complete with a can of low sodium V8 juice to get even more nutrients). 

Today I'll need to do a pretty intense workout, as we're going to get tacos and drinks tonight. Going to try and keep it to one glass of wine and probably a salad rather than a taco. But we'll see. One taco isn't going to kill me. Think I might reboot my hourly challenge - throw another element into it as well. Pushups, stairs, crunches, fire hydrants, jumping jacks. A little extra cardio in the mix. Then probably do the elliptical at some point to finish things off. Because why not? 

The other focus of today is going to be getting lots and lots of water. So I'll actually be logging today. I've fallen out of it, and the minute I do things slip so... that's the plan. 

Hope you all enjoy your Friday!