Morning weigh-in: 163.0
Apologies for not being able to contain my excitement, but: Wooooo!!! Only 1.1 pounds to go! Feeling good about things, or at least not as anxious about hitting my goal. Even with this weekend being challenging. Last night went out for drinks and tacos - well, in my case one glass of wine and one taco. Still splurged on some guac, though... I guess I can't make incredibly great decisions all the time :)
Yesterday's workout was an hourly challenge. I ended up doing 5 rounds, so the totals:
125 pushups, 25 times up and down the stairs, 125 fire hydrants on each side, 500 crunches, and 500 jumping jacks all together. Then 1.5 hours on the elliptical in the evening. Started watching a new show :)
Tonight will be even more challenging, because we're going to this amazing hot dog restaurant. And drinking quite a bit. But I'm going to limit myself to one hot dog (no fries), and then try out these healthier(ish) gin drinks and just make them really weak, so I can spread them out a bit - and not completely kill my blood sugar.
I'm also going to be working out after I get some work done. At least hop on the elliptical for a couple of hours. Maybe do some yoga or something as well. My legs were pretty sore today, so I wouldn't mind switching gears and doing some kind of arm workout.
All I know is that I'm incredibly proud of myself for the progress I've made, and I'm excited to rid myself of these last couple of pounds (why not overshoot my goal)!
Hope you are all finding success as well!