Trying something new


01/18/2016 2:31PM
I read your post and I miss the snow. I lived in Boulder Colorado for a couple years and it's weird, but I loved to shovel snow... I'm a big girl and I found that I could shovel snow for 90 minutes and it wouldn't bother me. I loved that it was cold and that I could "workout" doing this and the temp would keep me from feeling horrible from all the sweat. Best of luck to you!


We had record snow fall last year up here in the Boston area. There were days when I was out there shovel 10 to 12 hrs before I was done. That helped jump start my weight lost. but not much snow yet this winter (knock on wood). However, we are expecting 8 to 12 inches later this week.


well, I hope for you the snow comes and you get to "play"... thanks for writing this Blog, it made me smile with sweet memories of colorado!

Games played


Weight lost

-7 lbs



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