Did you know that your sub-conscious mind doesn't know the difference between the truth and a lie?

Your thoughts are so powerful. We started forming them at an early age and we've let the negative ones become a part of our long term memory. There is something you can do it about it thought. When you start to focus on your successes in life, your self esteem will rise. When your self esteem rises, you stop treating yourself bad. You start to make choices for your body that serve you instead of hold you back!


Write down a list of 100 of your successes in life!

From learning to ride a bike or landing your first job, that is a success! Write it down and celebrate it!

Celebrate the FACT that you are amazing. What you focus on expands. Focus on thoughts that will take you to where you want to be in life. Focus on what you want and not on what you don't want to happen during your day!