This is a little off the top of my head but I want to put a list of the reasons why I want to lose weight.
- To look better
- To be healthier
- To be able to ride a horse. Must be under 250 lbs
- To be able to Zip Line. Must weigh under 270 lbs.
- Ride a roller coaster without fear of the bar not coming down all the way.
- Be able to shop at regular clothing stores
- Live longer
- To be a role model for my kids and grandkids
- Be able to tie my shoes with ease.
- Be able to scuba dive or snorkle without fear of shame
- Not be the biggest person in the room (Which is most of the time now)
- Get off Blood Pressure Medication
The photo is me, my son and grandson at the fair and I even stayed away from the food.