He wakes me up with a gentle nudge of the wrist. Almost as if he is kissing me awake. Good morning Kailey! Always happy to see me, always there to remind me that I’m amazing. I depend on him more than anything, to keep me going through the day. Remind me that there are others out there like me but that I’m the only one who matters. There are many like it but this one is mine.
His name is Surge, he is my Fitbit. The first thing I look at when I wake and the last thing I check before bed. There is an alarm that goes off every two hours throughout the day to keep me moving. Beautiful lights and sounds dance from Surge when I reach my goals. He’s my right hand man, literally always on my right wrist. My co-workers catch me whispering sweet nothings and gleaming at this little watch as if I had found my soulmate. (This is far from creepy please stop judging me).
How did this affair start you might ask? Or you didn’t and you’re about to find out how anyway! Well other than the fact that the commercial is catchy as hell. “Girl fit, Lift fit, Team fit, Woooooooooah fit!” How can you not love that amazing commercial (and this isn’t just because I work for a commercial production company but because it actually made me want to start being active again, I could see myself in that commercial).
After seeing the commercial for the 5th time in one day, I swear my TV had its own agenda. I decided to do what every normal person does at this point, aaaaand stalk fitbit online. I had never rummaged through a website as much as I did theirs. Trying to figure out which one would be best for me. Do you really need a gps tracker? A heartrate monitor? Yes, yes and triple yes. I decided to go big or go home and get the Surge. I saw that it would take 4 days to ship. And since I am the most patient person on this Earth, I ….jumped in my car, drove down to BestBuy and picked one up within 20 minutes!
Opening the box as if the holy grail was inside those little cardboard walls I sang “Ahhh ahhh uhh”. It was angelic (maybe not, my step-son thought there was a dying cat in the living room). I placed it on my wrist and began downloading all of the aps and skimming through my own personal website. How cool right?
This thing has been the best damn invention ever! I swear that it has a tiny little brain control device. It actually makes me want to drink water. When I swipe to my steps and see that I am just 2,800 steps away from my 15,000 goal I scramble out of my seat and begin running in place. (My dogs love it).
I want a new one. They are coming out with on called the Blaze. Whoever thinks of these names need to give it a break though, Iphone’s are doing great and they are numbered as if hitman himself took over Apple. Whether it has the name of a 70’s hotrod or not I still can’t wait for it to be released.
I’ve pretty much convinced everyone I know to get one. I’ve even given a few out as random gifts so I would have others to do daily competitive step offs. I’m extremely competitive so when I see that my friends have passed me on steps it’s as if a switch flips. I put my shoes on and drag one of my German Shepherds around the corner until I have guaranteed my victory!
This blog is about finding something that you love, that keeps you striving toward your goal. Whether it be hot yoga (and for those who do that YOU insane woman and men are just freaking crazy and need to be checked into an asylum because I’m positive you can make a strait jacket bend). If your passion is running, biking, if the love of your life is your scale. Find it, hold it close and tell it those three little words everyone deserves to hear. “I love you”.
I would love to hear what device or workout or well anything… it could even be your favorite food that keeps you striving for your goal and going beyond.
Thank you for reading! I’m shooting to write once a day if not more now. This community has really helped me come out of my shell and be honest with myself.