I can't even count the number of times I've said I was ready to make better choices for my health and lose weight to gain confidence and feel better about myself... only to fail a few days or weeks later and binge out on all of my "favorite foods" - telling myself it was okay and that there was always more time to try again!
I've gone up and down on the scale over and over and over - but always seem to end up just a little bit more up than down for that damn digital number staring back at me...
I'm a stress eater... and I lead a very busy life... MY TWO BIGGEST EXCUSES.
They're both true - but excuses nonetheless. And using those excuses has made it very easy for me to get into the worst shape of my life and my biggest number on the scale.
It makes me sad. Mostly because I don't want to feel bad about myself, and I know that I do right now. I know that I'm going to be disappointed when I step on the scale or look in the mirror... because I know that I've created the body that I live in right now through my own poor choices.
I am a nurse and a coach of a high school athletics program - both of which I should be a healthy example for my patients/athletes for. Every day at work I tell patients that they need to pay better attention to their health and take better care of themselves. Every day at practice I push my athletes to condition their bodies so they will be stronger and have better endurance each and every day. And then I go home and eat fast food meals and sit on the couch? Talk about hipocracy. There are some days when I don't even want to walk my dog - what? How hard is it to walk a dog? And how fair is it to my dog that he doesn't get his exercise because I'm feeling lazy?
There are very few body parts left on me that don't jiggle when I move. I find myself having a hard time doing things that used to be easy. None of my clothes fit me. My knees creak when I bend or walk up the stairs to the point where I think I should probably go see a doctor about it. I don't feel pretty. And I hate all of that.
Now... I do have to say that I don't hate myself at all. I think I'm a hoot... And I know that I'm a good person. But I do hate that I've taken my body for granted. Our bodies are the one thing that will always be there in life no matter where we go or who we're with - and I feel like I've just been destroying mine for no reason. I have the knowledge from nursing school about what we need to do to take care of ourselves... and yet I don't.
So here I am again. Trying to make the committment to myself to be better - to be healthier - to live the words that I speak to my patients and athletes and family members every day. And I'd like to say I'm confident that this time will be the right time - but I'm totally not. Because I've been here so many times before. But I won't let that stop me from trying!
I've used dietbet to lose weight before and it actually did work really well for me. Holding myself accountable is definitely not one of my strong suits... And lord knows I don't have a lot of money... So putting some of that hard earned money on the line to hold myself accountable definitely does the trick.
I'm going to try to work out with my athletes at practice each day - even if it's just a little bit. And actually use the gym membership that I've been paying for instead of just handing them my money for no reason. And I also want to cook my own meals and make better choices about what I'm putting into my body to fuel it. I actually really love cooking... and would love to make myself great meals every day. But I use that "my life is too busy" excuse yet again. I know all of that change won't happen overnight. But I've gotta start somewhere.
I really think that the biggest key to success for me will be making myself a priority. I know that I am a strong willed and intelligent person and I've done some pretty great things in my life so far. So I need to apply that same attitude to this adventure and make THIS journey one of those great things.
Words of encouragement are always welcome! And I'll absolutely give them right back! After all... I apparently am pretty good at telling other people they can better themselves!
Best of luck to all of the other diet betters. And here's hoping that I can make this committment to myself stick. I'm going to continue to write blog posts throughout the journey because I think that will help me vent and stay on track as well...
That's all for now!