So I live in an apartment with two giant oafs. One of them is my boyfriend - whom I lovingly call an oaf because I love him and I can - and the other is our awesome doggie friend Koda. Koda is a 160 pound Great Pyrenees... and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH - probably more than my boyfriend - which I think is okay - because look at him in that picture... he's adorable. Yay for tiny doggie sombreros for pups to wear to halloween parties.
Now... Great Pyrenees are SO NOT APARTMENT DOGS. And I knew that getting into this... I grew up with Pyrenees and worked for a Pyrenees Dog Rescue for many years. But darn it I was finally living somewhere that didn't have weight restrictions for your pets and I WANTED ONE. And he is awesome. And I don't regret getting him for a minute.
BUT the problem with having a NOT APARTMENT DOG in an apartment is that he wants to be outside ALL THE TIME! But we don't have a yard in an apartment complex... which means that every time he wants to go outside, he has to be taken on a walk. Which doesn't seem like a big deal... But for lazy mc-couch surfer over here lately, it has been.
And so every day... my boyfriend and I go through the "NO YOU WALK HIM - NO YOU DO IT - IT'S YOUR TURN - YOU WANTED THE DOG SO YOU HAVE TO WALK IT!" bulllllllllshit. Which is really not fair for Koda because he's awesome and deserves to be out on walks like a million times a day. But we've been getting selfish and letting laziness and busy schedules be an excuse for not spending that time with the fluff monster.
Now don't get me wrong - Koda still gets his walks... just very reluctantly.
The point of all of this is - I had a realization when writing my post yesterday of how SAD it is that I am that lazy and selfish that I don't even want to walk the dog. For fear of what? I'll miss that TV show I'm not even watching? The damn candies in candy crush won't get matched fast enough?! I won't be able to sit and mindlessly eat snacks?!?! This is why I'm fat I think. Because apparently walking the damn dog has become a chore for me. I have chosen sedentary over active TOO MUCH.
Well - NO MORE MY FRIENDS. Koda deserves better and darn it I'm going to give it to him because seriously... look at him... how can you not love that thing?
Today, I woke up and my boyfriend came into the bedroom and started up the "you walk - i walk - we walk" discussion as usual. And instaed of trying to push it off on him I proudly said "ME - I'M GOING TO WALK HIM!"
And I did.
No complaints or great debates over who's turn it was or why I couldn't do it right now...
And that felt good :)
Gotta love mini-victories!
Hope everyone had a GREAT day!