I'm not going to lie ... I would LOVE a cheeseburger and french fries or maybe some deep dish pizza!!  But when I put that in my body I feel like crap the next day.  It brings happiness at the time, but regret the next day.  You can't deprive yourself of these things either or I would probably go on a binge and eat everything in site!!  Everything is in moderation and portion control.

So, I am down 8 pounds in 2 weeks!  That's the easy part for me.  The hard part - maintaining the weight loss.  My weight is usually between 130-145.  Obviously, when I see the scale creeping up to 145, I tell myself to get back on track!  Which is why I decided to join DietBet Leap into a New Year 30 day weight loss challenge.  I needed something to motivate me and hold me accountable.  I needed a kick in the butt!

These are the things that work for me when I want to take off my extra weight.  Hopefully, one or some of these work for you too.  I am not a big exerciser.  I am constantly on the go all day long, never really sitting, if I do sit - I may never get back up.  So I burn calories by always staying busy and moving.  I do enjoy walking, but not during Wisconsin winters.   I would like to get motivated enough to exercise, but that's a whole another blog!  So instead I am better at watching my calorie intake for weight loss.  


4 simple things  I do to lose weight: 

1.  I LOVE COFFEE AND WINE!!  I mean love it!  So, that is the hardest routine to change.  I have started drinking hot herbal teas in the morning and evening.  Heck, I drink it all day long!  It curbs my appetite, satisfies my craving, AND keeps me warm.  *** This did not magically happen.  It takes a couple days or weeks to convince my brain that it doesn't need coffee or wine. It still needs constant reminding. 

* Favorite Herbal Tea:  At Starbucks (of course).  I LOVE getting their TEAVANA Passion Tango herbal tea (unsweetened) and their Peach Tranquility herbal tea (unsweetened).  SO AWESOME!!  and the best part .... 0 CALORIES, People!!  0 CALORIES!!  Not to mention a Venti size is under $3.  Seriously?!?!  


* At home I like to try different TEAVANA herbal and green teas.  I have the whole tea making system from them.  They have some really awesome teas too, but it takes a little longer to prepare.  Something I don't always have time for.  But when I do, super yummy!  Here are a few of my faves:  Ruby Spice Cider, Passion Tango (again), Maharaja Chai & Samurai Chai Mate Oolong tea, and Strawberry Blush Rose.  My favorite teabag teas from the store are: Celestial fruit tea sampler, Traditional Medicinals organic weightless cranberry tea and Yogi soothing caramel bedtime.  All naturally caffeine free herbal teas.  


* I also drink one approved coffee that I love!  I used to love my coffee with creamer (which you know, is a big no no). So I tried a coffee by Isagenix that is organic and contains green tea extract, trace minerals, and coconut oil.  It is really good!  When I "need" coffee I drink this one with no creamer necessary.  Try it once! 


2. I NEED FOOD!  I can't not eat ... I love food!  So, I wanted to find something I could eat at anytime and not feel guilty or bad about it.  I looked on Pinterest and found a recipe for "Magic Weight Loss Soup" or "Weight Loss Magic Soup".  Search for it on Pinterest. or click on link:  http://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/weigh-loss-magic-soup.html. This soup is great for lunch or anytime you feel hungry.  Each cup of soup has only 57 calories and 0 fat.  AND it tastes super yummy!  It is really good to have in refrigerator when family is enjoying pizza, tacos, cheeseburgers - you know all the food you shouldn't have during a diet. I just warm up a cup of soup and enjoy!


3. PROTEIN SHAKES.  Yup!  Protein Shakes!  Love them!  (I am not trying to sell this product or promote it, I'm just telling you what I use). Protein Isagenix IsaLean Shakes with Isagenix Ionix Supreme. YUMM-O!!  My morning breakfast!!  I look forward to this every morning!  You can use Isagenix as a total weight loss system, which I have done.  Now I use their IsaLean Shake as a meal replacement for breakfast. It has 240 calories and 24 grams of protein!!  24 grams!!  It keeps me satisfied until lunch - I'm not kidding!!  And I add a scoop of Isagenix Ionix Supreme to my morning shake to combat the effects of stress and fatigue.  A must for me! 


  4. ONE WORD: HUMMUS.  I could marry Hummus (Don't tell my husband).  I love it that much.  It is my new comfort food.  When I need a snack I grab for my hummus and veggies.  I can't believe I'm even speakiing this.  I am the girl who used to love chips and dip!  But, if I had hummus or chip dip in front of me - I would have to go with my new love, Hummus!  It is the perfect healthy snack.  My faves: Sabra Jalapeno and Sabra Roasted Garlic.  2 Tbsp = 70 calories.  I tend to eat way more than 2 Tbsp, but hey! It's chickpeas, not sour cream and cream cheese!  Right? Right?


So, that's about it.  Those are my 4 simple things I do to lose weight.  And of course, DRINK LOTS OF WATER (or tea).  Some days are really easy and some days are so hard that I just go to bed early so I won't eat everything in my pantry!  Now, if I could just add in some exercise.  Maybe tomorrow.

Good Luck everyone!  More important than weight loss is being healthy and happy.  Be Happy!