Yesterday after my 4 year old grandaughter finished her softball game, she asked grandpa if they could go to the snack bar. (My husband calls it the sugar shack.)  So he asked her what she wanted and she said a pixie stix (which is the name of her team.)  So, he said 1 pixie stix and the lady replied, you get 4 for $1.00.  Grandpa says she only needs 1, I am looking out for her future.  What a good grandpa.  Now if it were me I would have gotten all 4.  Maybe that is why I have a problem with my weight.  I was always told as a child to eat everything on my plate.  it has taken me many years to not do this.  It is ok to leave food on your plate and to only buy 1 pixie stix instead of 4 for your dollar.  Trying to set a good example for the younger generation.